The activities were designed according to the age level of the partners. We worked on transnational groups according to their digital skills. We took advantage of the main principles of collaborative-learning, peer-to-peer learning & project-based-learning.

Many activities were designed to urge the students’ creativity on inventing new designs & codes, games with Scratch, Scratch Junior,, learning apps, cody robby & minecraft. These apps were chosen in order to lighten up the curiosity of the children, the discovery, the concrete exploration, the procedure of experimenting with right & wrong, the collaboration, the learning-by-doing & the “fault teaching method” (debug). We applied new teaching methods (flipped classroom, gamification & CLIL) & used robots, story-telling & building in order to use coding as a creative & fun mode in all curriculum subjects. The collaboration among the partners increased the development of soft skills of the students & their critical thinking.
